(+27)78 196 8405 info@invenclickmedia.co.za
Welcome to Invenclick Media

We are a full-service media company

Art starts with telling compelling stories about entites which will in turn resonate in the heart of a generation.

As a thriving company in personalized and corporate video discovery, Invenclick Media can help you deliver the engaging features and services that drive customer loyalty.

Our innovations in media-entertainment metadata, search, recommendations and conversation provide a flexible foundation to add next-gen services and grow your business.


Latest Projects


team team team team team

This is the genesis of the project, where we brainstorm and choose the best idea out of the many ideas that we come up with


We provide an extensive and detailed schedule to facilitate an outstanding production.


At this stage, we manage the work, tasks, logistics and processes that contribute to the overall success of the narrative.


We ensure the organization and coherent unification of all elements of the production to deliver exceptional visual content either for Web or Television.

Let's Work